Just before the pandemic Michael Elton Casey pitched a pilot for an Insightful Comedy show he created called Digitalia to several prominent executives, managers and producers in Hollywood. They all said the same thing, “You’re the next Spike Lee, we’ve never seen a cinematic take on race quite like yours.” Yet just as one of the most prominent Hollywood managers was about to pitch his show to HBO, Netflix and Hulu, the pandemic hit and everything got put on hold. Finding himself back at square one, he didn’t want to twiddle his thumbs for a year so he invented a method of getting his screenplays published as books to be marketed through a MLM he started creating called The Movie Book Club to be purchased by every interested reader in the country. He decided that he shouldn’t reap all of the rewards himself, but to incorporate other underrepresented writers of all races in the script publishing, MLM distributing phenomenon. In doing so he brings his nation of like-minded writers with him to the brink of Hollywood discovery by marketing the highest rated screenplay books to Hollywood studios and Networks to be green-lit for film and TV.

Our Editing Software- B.I.C.K.I.E. – Brilliantly Integrating Critical Key Intuitive Editing

B.I.C.K.I.E. is a system created and patented by Michael Casey that utilizes the Ali/Frazier structure of screenwriting also invented by Michael Casey to format, structure and edit screenplays that Negritube plans to publish. The theory behind this is so that all of the scripts flow and sound similar to the reader, not in the sense that they sound like they’re from the same writer, but in the sense that they fluctuate with the same elegance. Negritube screenplays are edited for conciseness, fluidity, poetic tone, hero’s journey structuring, grammar, language arts, illustriousness and feeling. Most writers write screenplays that look like lab reports because that’s what Hollywood has trained them to do. However, since Negritube’s screenplays are primarily written to be read, we encourage our writers to write as though the script is literature to be viewed as language arts.

Tel: (323)377-3011 | Address: 2838 S Bronson Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90018 | Copyright © 2022 Negritube Media Enterprises
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